On a Move with Mike Africa Jr.

June 16th

Episode Summary

On June 16th 2018 Debbie Africa was freed from prison after 40 years. On June 16th 2021 fierce MOVE sister Consuewella Africa passed. Mike reflects on these dualities and how this date will always be bittersweet.

Episode Notes

On a Move to the people! For Mike, June 16th has always been a bittersweet day and in 2021 that has not changed at all. It was on this day in 2018 that his mother, former political prisoner and one of the MOVE 9 Debbie Africa, was finally freed from prison after 40 years. This year, MOVE sister Consuewella Africa passed on the same day. In this episode, Mike reflects on the dualities of this day and how for the past three years he has found himself mourning even when he should be celebrating. 


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