On a Move with Mike Africa Jr.

August 8th

Episode Summary

Mike Africa Jr reflects on the 1978 confrontation between MOVE and the Philadelphia police, and why it is still relevant to this day.

Episode Notes

On a Move to the People! August 8th, 1978 changed Mike's life forever, and he wasn't even born yet. All of the details and if you want an in-depth look at those events and what led up to the altercation, check out the Tommy Oliver doc 40 Years a Prisoner. As Mike reflects on what August 8th means to him, he can't help but wonder if things have really changed. He discusses what parallels still exist to this day and what he believes needs to happen in order to see some actual change.

Missed Pam Africa's first episode on the podcast? Check it out here!

Head over to MikeAfricaJr.com to get your copy of the brand new book "50 Years on a Move" and check out his Patreon


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